Education Series “Why Palestine Matters” begins September 22
PCM is excited to invite young adults, senior citizens, and those in-between to join me in a five-week Sunday School study this fall beginning Sunday, September 22nd in the fellowship hall at 9:00 a.m.
We will be privileged to have as our speaker, Muna Nassar from Bethlehem, the 2019 Presbyterian International Peacemaker on Sunday, October 6th. She works with Kairos Palestine, a Christian Palestinian movement which advocates for ending the over 50-year occupation of Palestine and achieving a just solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict.
While our beloved teacher, Mike O’Bradovich, takes a well-deserved break from his adult-education role on Sunday mornings, we will explore together the subject of Israel/Palestine today and the history behind it, using the newly-published study guide entitled Why Palestine Matters: The Struggle to End Colonialism.
The study guide was created by the Presbyterian Israel/Palestine Mission Network, a group of Presbyterians challenged by the church’s General Assembly in 2004 to explore the subject and speak to us members of the church on the topic. We are reminded by this publication that the Presbyterian Church has had a mission presence in the Middle East since the 1800s. We are also reminded by the Biblical scriptures that Palestine is where our Christian faith had its beginnings as did the Jewish faith. The third Abrahamic faith, Islam, also has its Palestinian connections. Today Palestine consists of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza, the places we hear about regularly in our daily news along with news of the State of Israel.
The final Sunday of the series, October 13th, we will again be privileged to hear from a Palestinian speaker, Robert Massoud, a Palestinian Canadian whose family fled war in Palestine in 1947-1948. You know Robert by reputation for Zatoun, his fair-trade company, whose olive oil we purchase each Christmas season.