A Letter From Pastor Bob
As you know, last weekend we celebrated the official kickoff of our Generosity for Generations Campaign at Church of the Master. If it hasn’t arrived already, soon you will receive a packet of campaign information, which includes a financial request and instructions on how you can invest in the future of our church.
I want to express several thoughts regarding this campaign and what is being asked of our families:
Invitation not Expectation
We’re asking every family to consider a specific commitment to the campaign. We have gone through an exhaustive process to determine an appropriate request for each family. Please note, in some cases our request may be too high. In some cases, it may be too low. It is not an expectation. It is an invitation – and the starting point for your personal discernment. Ultimately, the church is grateful for whatever gifts you can provide.
Reflect and Pray
In advance of the request, I ask that you spend some time reflecting on PCM, its future, and how you can help. Pray and ask the Lord for guidance. Give in a way that represents the blessings He has given.
Shared Responsibility
One or a few families should not shoulder the burden to ensure campaign success. It is the responsibility of the entire church community. That means generosity and sacrifice – and not just monetarily. We need gifts of time, talent and prayer too.
Total Gift | Initial 10% Investment | Balance | Monthly | Quarterly | Semiannual | Annual |
$75,000 | $7,500 | $67,500 | $1,875 | $5,625 | $11,250 | $22,500 |
$50,000 | $5,000 | $45,000 | $1,250 | $3,750 | $7,500 | $15,000 |
$30,000 | $3,000 | $27,000 | $750 | $2,250 | $4,500 | $9,000 |
$15,000 | $1,500 | $13,500 | $375 | $1,125 | $2,250 | $4,500 |
$10,000 | $1,000 | $9,000 | $250 | $750 | $1,500 | $3,000 |
$6,000 | $600 | $5,400 | $150 | $450 | $900 | $1,800 |
$3,600 | $360 | $3,240 | $90 | $270 | $540 | $1,080 |
$1,800 | $180 | $1,620 | $45 | $135 | $270 | $540 |
Kathleen and I prayed on our gift and made our commitment. We remain committed to doing what we can to ensure Church of the Master continues to thrive. It’s exciting to look ahead at how we will benefit from a successful campaign. We hope you agree and invite you to join us with your commitment.
God Bless,
Rev. Robert Keefer, Pastor