A word this week

We are wrapping up (“wrapping up” Get it?) our Capital Campaign this week, but you still have the opportunity to participate. Wednesday December 11 will include a phone-a-thon to reach out to those who have not made a commitment; there will be another opportunity in worship on December 15. After the 10:30 service on Dec. 15 we’ll have a gala celebration in the Commons.

Everyone can participate. One member of the team pointed out that if you eat out occasionally, and spend about $10 each time, then simply by eating out one less time per month you can pledge $360 ($10 per month for 3 years) to the Campaign. I’d say that even pledging $60 ($20 per year) makes a difference, because it includes you in this investment in the future of our Church.

We are making this commitment because of our “Generosity for Generations.”

– Pastor Bob


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