From Pastor Bob: On Racism Study

Dear people of God:

I have promised a study on racism, so here is the information so you can participate. I’m using material from “The Thoughtful Christian,” a publishing enterprise under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Although this study is several years old, I believe we will find it helpful.

It’s an 11-week study, and we’ll start Wednesday June 24 and go every week (except when I take vacation in August) until we’re done. I’ll put the schedule at the bottom for anyone who wants that level of detail.

Every week I’ll post a handout for the next session. Your participation will be best if you print or at least read the handout beforehand. Then we will have a one-hour discussion on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm via Google Meet. I’ll repeat this with every week’s handout, but you can participate either of two ways:
The best way is at your computer or tablet, with a camera and microphone enabled, and follow this link:
If that isn’t possible for you, then phone 414-436-7533 and enter code 498 705 924‬#

I hope this will do two things for us: that it will enlighten us to the presence and reality of systemic racism in our society, and how we can combat it; and that it will give us all some face time with each other. Although we will likely soon have worship together, many of you will not be able to participate and I hope this way we will get to spend some together. I have missed you.

As always, be in touch by telephone (402-498-0871) or email ( if you have comments or questions.

Pastor Bob

Probable schedule:
June 24: Why is it so difficult to talk about racism?
July 1: Racism 101
July 8: A History of Racism in the US 1
July 15: A History of Racism in the US 2
July 22: A History of Racism in the US 3
July 29: A History of Racism in the US 4
(August 5 & 12 Vacation)
August 19: White Privilege
August 26: The Bible & Racism 1
September 2: The Bible & Racism 2
September 9: Is Affirmative Action still needed?
September 16: Do segregated churches imply racism?

Assuming we’re able to gather again, I hope we’ll take up “The Welcoming Congregation” again after that!