Worship Changes October 18

The weather has continued beautiful and as long as we bundle up we can worship outside a little longer. But it is soon time to make a change.

On Sunday, October 18 we will worship in the Sanctuary at 8:00 and 10:30. 9:30 Courtyard service continues October 4 and 11, with webcast at 10:30. After that we will have services at 8:00 and 10:30; the 10:30 service will be webcast.

REMEMBER: If you don’t feel well, stay home. If you cannot or will not wear a mask, stay home. There will be no fellowship gathering after the service. You must sit separated from anyone not in your household, wear a mask, and not sing. The service will continue to be abbreviated. We ask you to fill from the front of the sanctuary, and to exit beginning from the back. Head straight out to the Commons without stopping in the aisle. Use hand sanitizer as you arrive and as you leave. All the usual doors will be unlocked for entrance.

Webcasting will continue at 10:30. Since Bill Norton tells me that he can make it happen even from his house, that means there will no longer be snow cancellations. I’ll still preach a sermon, at least, and you can watch from the comfort of your home.

SPECIAL DAY OCTOBER 18: The day we are making this change we will also be welcoming new members into our family at the 10:30 service. Please either join us in person or tune in to the webcast to greet these new sisters and brothers in Christ.

We will remember a lot of things from this strange year. One thing I hope we will remember is, “Oh, yeah! That was the summer we had church in the courtyard!”

Pastor Bob