Holy Week March 28 to April 4
Join us for Holy Week 2021!
Sunday, March 28: Palm Sunday.
- Worship in the Sanctuary, 8:00
- Worship in the Sanctuary and Webcast, 10:30
Monday, March 29: Morning Prayer in the Chapel, 8:30
Tuesday, March 30: Morning Prayer in the Chapel, 8:30
Wednesday, March 31: Morning Prayer in the Chapel, 8:30
Thursday, April 1: Maundy Thursday
- Morning Prayer in the Chapel, 8:30
- Worship in the Sanctuary & Webcast, 7:00 pm
Friday, April 2: Good Friday
- Morning Prayer in the Chapel, 8:30
- Service of Word and Prayer, Sanctuary, noon
- Service of the Cross, Webcast only, available 7:00 pm
Sunday, April 4: Resurrection (Easter)
- Sunrise Service, East lawn, 6:45 am
- Worship in the Sanctuary, 8:00 am
- Worship in the Sanctuary & Webcast, 10:30 am