Rev. Aaron White Called As PCM’s Next Pastor
We are thrilled to announce that Reverend Aaron White has accepted our call to be the next Pastor and Head of Staff at Church of the Master. Reverend White led the worship service this morning. He was joined by his family Kara, Rebecca, and Owen. His anticipated start date is April 8th.
The following is Aaron’s brief that he prepared for sharing with the congregation.
Reverend Aaron White
Born in Jacksonville, Florida, and raised in Clinton, South Carolina, Aaron’s journey into ministry began during his time as a member of the congregation and youth group of the First Presbyterian Church of Clinton. He first became aware of God’s call through his active participation in the Presbyterian Student Association during his undergraduate years at the University of South Carolina.
After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Religious Studies and Political Science, Aaron pursued theological education at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, graduating with a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Christian Education. After seminary, Aaron accepted his first call to serve as the pastor of the Bowling Green Presbyterian Church in Bowling Green, SC. After five and a half years, he received a new call to serve as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Fulton, MO. where he has served for the past eight and a half years.
In his current call, Aaron has shown a deep commitment to addressing issues of food and housing insecurity. For many years, he has served as Vice President of the Board of Our House, a local shelter. And since March 2023, he has served as the volunteer Administrator for Open Table, a dine-in feeding program he helped to create. Aaron’s dedication to community extends to youth outreach. Five years ago, he and three colleagues founded The Rock, an ecumenical community youth group.
In his leisure time, Aaron loves cooking, especially for family feasts at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and during the Super Bowl. And he’s always searching for the next story to fall in love with! He loves sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, and adventure. If he can read it, listen to it, watch it, or play it, he will! While he loves to listen to a wide variety of music, his favorite genre is classic jazz.
Rev. White is married to his wonderful wife, Kara, who is a strong advocate for literacy and literary freedom. An avid reader, she works in a university library where she coordinates programming and social media marketing. Together they have two amazing children, Owen, age 14, and Rebecca, age 11, both of whom are outstanding students and leaders in their schools, scouting units, and church. Owen runs for his high school’s cross country and track teams, and he enjoys watching sports, especially football and auto racing. Rebecca thrives in seasonal Children’s Theater productions and singing in her school’s honor choir.
Aaron is enthusiastic about the potential of ministering with the faithful servants of the Presbyterian Church of the Master. He first took interest in our congregation, when he learned of our identity as both a More Light Congregation and a Matthew 25 Church. He looks forward to ministering among faithful people who share his commitment to seeking justice, making peace, and sharing love, all in the name of our Lord Jesus!