The Art for All monthly gathering to view and discuss art will be held on February 1st at 10:30 a.m. The event will be held at Joslyn Museum and admission is free. For more details, contact either Kathleen Keefer or Chuck McGavren.
The Art for All monthly gathering to view and discuss art will be held on February 1st at 10:30 a.m. The event will be held at Joslyn Museum and admission is free. For more details, contact either Kathleen Keefer or Chuck McGavren.
There will be a congregational meeting following the Worship service on Sunday, January 26th.
The PCM blood drive is Sunday, January 26th in the Fellowship Hall. Give the gift of life and consider donating blood.
Contact Michael Osborn or Loren Ilg for more information. Click here to sign-up online to reserve a donation appointment.
January 19, 2025
Second Sunday after Epiphany
* Denotes all are invited to stand. Bold text indicates portions of the service to be spoken or sung by the congregation.
Music for Gathering
Brian Jay
Rev. Cindy Harvey
Parish Associate
Call to Worship
We come in these endless days, Precious God, people in need of the constancy of your love:,
may we drink deeply from your fountain of life; may we continue to be guided by your Light.
We gather in these weary days, Water-changing God, people looking for signs of hope and wonder:
may we drink deeply from your fountain of grace; may our weariness be wrapped in your Hope.
We worship in these overwhelming days, Gifting God; May we be people who try to point others to Jesus:
may we drink deeply from your fountain of joy; may our life be strengthened by your Life…
* Hymn 327 “From All That Dwell Below the Skies”
Please see screens for lyrics.
* Confession of Sin
Michael Osborn, Worship Leader
Delight of the Ages, we cannot remain silent, but must speak of the ways we misuse your gifts. In our desire to have more and more, we cause more damage to your good creation. In our obsession with ourselves, we have desolated the lives of those around us. When we hoard what you have given us, we cannot be a blessing to other people. Forgive us, Restless God, so we might be restored to life. May your steadfast love save and strengthen us to share our gifts with others, even as you have shared the Gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Silence for personal confession
Assurance of Pardon
God delights in you. So much, that God will not rest until you are at peace.
God will not remain silent, but will call you by name: ‘My Delight.’
God’s steadfast love extends to the heavens, and reaches down to
touch our hearts. Thanks be to God who forgives and saves us! Amen.
Song of Praise
“All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord”
Please see screens for lyrics.
* Passing the Peace
Prayer for Illumination:
Michael Osborn, Worship Leader
First Reading:
John 2:1-11
Minute for Mission:
Michael Osborn
Topic: PCM Blood Drive – January 26th
Click Here to sign-up online for donating blood.
“Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God”
PCM Bell Choir
Kristen Oertell – Director
Second Scripture:
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Time for Children:
Darla Holycross
Rev. Cindy Harvey
* Hymn #644 “Give Thanks, O Christian People”
Please see screens for lyrics.
Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons
Pastoral Prayer:
Congregation Response: Bless us with peace.
Invitation to Discipleship
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
* Hymn #761 “Called as Partners in Christ’s Service”
Please see screens for lyrics.
* News of the Kingdom
* Charge & Blessing
God sends us out to the lonely, the forsaken, all those forgotten in these weary times.
We will go to gather them up into the heart of love, to welcome them as our siblings.
Jesus calls us to throw a party for those who are hungry for hope, who thirst for justice.
We will go to be with those who sit at empty tables, who long to taste the sweet bouquet of grace.
The Spirit sends us forth, transformed from the foolish to the faithful.
We will go to those who walk in the muck of life, who yearn for new days, of joy and wonder. Amen.
* Music for Departing
Sign-up for the PCM Summer Golf League. It’s fifteen weeks of fun and fellowship, plus a chance to get a little exercise. We start Wednesday, May 8, 2024, and will finish no later than August 28th. That schedule accommodates fifteen weeks of golf with two built-in weeks for potential rain/heat cancellations. We play at nearby Warren Swigart Golf Course which is a par-3 course.
As of this date, the City of Omaha has not announced any increase in greens fees for 2024. For golfers under 55, the season total is $220 ($14 green fee x 15 weeks + $10 league fee). For Seniors (55+) and Youth (17 & under), the season total is $190 ($12 x 15 weeks + $10 league fee). Cart rental is extra and is handled directly with the course.
If you have any questions regarding the golf league, please contact Bill Norton. Click here to email.
PCM has a great members software system for tracking all our member information. One of the major benefits is that it allows everyone access to church information. From providing an online church directory, to providing easy online giving options and volunteering opportunities, One Church is a great tool for enhancing your participation at PCM.
If you haven’t set-up your online account yet, watch the following video we produced. It gives you a great overview of One Church and login instructions. Below the Introduction are some other more detailed videos about One Church.
If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact Becky Widhalm, the PCM Office Administrator. She can assist you or arrange or additional assistance.
Welcome to the PCM Summer Golf League 2021. It’s sixteen weeks of fun and fellowship, plus a chance to get a little exercise. Beginning May 12, we play at nearby Warren Swigart Golf Course which is a par-3 course.
The league is comprised of two/three person teams (i.e. you and partners). Each week two members of your team will play against another team. Since we utilize a handicap system, everyone regardless of skill competes on an even level. While scores are kept and a league winner is determined, the league is not overly competitive and the focus is on fellowship.
New golfers are welcome to the league. If you have a partner(s), please indicate on the online sign-up sheet. If you’re signing up as an individual, we will attempt our best to pair you with someone, but cannot guarantee you a partner. FYI, if you are a newcomer to the league/PCM, your partner does not have to be a member of the church.
Depending upon the status of the current coronavirus pandemic, we may be reviving our tradition of stopping for dinner and fellowship after golf. As always, it is the decision of individual golfer whether to stop or not. We will predetermine the location(s) and rotate through area food establishments.
The cost is weekly green fees, plus a one-time $10 league fee. For golfers under 55, the season total is $202 ($12 green fee x 16 weeks + $10 league fee). For Seniors (55+), the season total is $170 ($10 x 16 weeks + $10 league fee). Cart rental is extra and is handled directly with the course. Depending upon the number of teams that sign-up, we might reduce to 15 weeks which would reduce the price to $190 and $160 respectively. FYI, the City of Omaha did raise green fees for 2021.
To sign-up, complete the online form below. For more information or questions, contact Bill Norton at (402) 658-1687 or click here to email.
[wpforms id=”5918″ title=”false” description=”false”]Join us for our online Worship service on Youtube at 10:30 a.m.
Click here for the bulletin.
Join us Sunday morning for our live streaming worship service.
Click here for the bulletin.
Join us for one or our (or both) online Worship services on Christmas Eve.
Start the evening with our Jazz service beginning at 5:00 p.m. Click here for the bulletin.
Later you can join us live at 11:00 p.m. for our late evening streaming service. Click here for the bulletin