PCM Care Line

Wondering who might be in need of your care, prayers, and concern? One way to identify some of those individuals and families is through our telephone system—the Care Line.

During office hours, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, simply call the church and ask to be connected, extension 303. The volunteer at the reception desk will dial the extension. Should you only be able to call outside of those hours, then call the church and when prompted, dial 303. This will connect you.

Additions and changes to the call line can be made by contacting Winnie Pinch at 402.571.0606 or through email wjepinch@hotmail.com at any time of the week.

Those whose prayer requests on Sunday indicate a desire to be included on the care line are added early in the week. If you have questions, contact Winnie.



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