Campaign Frequently Asked Questions

Many are aware that we recently completed a planning study at Presbyterian Church of the Master to test the viability of conducting a capital campaign. While undoubtedly the success of our last major fundraising effort allowed us to make drastic improvements to our building, the fact remains the renovation projects left us with a $1.2 million debt. We believe now we must eliminate, or drastically reduce, this debt. 

Addressing this fiscal responsibility will allow us to enhance our ministries, grow our congregation and consider new possibilities to engage every member of the church-no matter what the age or stage of life. 

The church-wide study raised numerous questions and concerns about a capital campaign and the current state of our church finances. We hope this frequently asked questions document helps alleviate concerns by offering increased transparency and visibility to the church’s financial well-being 

As we prepare to launch the Generosity for Generations capital campaign, your understanding and support are critical to the success of our campaign. 

Why is another campaign necessary? By raising more than $1.1 million, the response to our first campaign far exceeded expectations. That success positioned us to prudently manage our operational budget for three years. However, the renovation project left us with a debt of $1.2 million. If we continue with our current payment plans, meeting our monthly principal and interest obligations will strain our budget. So, to avoid an impact on programs at Presbyterian Church of the Master we must reduce this debt. 

Why is it important to reduce or eliminate our debt at this time? Making a commitment to substantially reduce or eliminate the debt now will save tens of thousands of dollars in interest payments. Without the burden of debt, we can shift our focus on our stewardship and growth, while fulfilling our mission. 

What are our goals and what we will we achieve at each level? Based on the fundraising capacity determined in the planning study, we set four benchmarks. Reaching them allows us to reduce all, or a portion, of that $1.2 burden stifling our growth. At the $1.2 million Ultimate Goal, we will be able to eliminate the debt and devote all future resources to developing our ministries. Reaching the $1 million Victory Goal will eliminate all but 18 months of payments. At the $900,000 Challenge Goal, we will pay off our debt in under three years. At the $750,000 Celebration Goal, we eliminate the debt in four years. 

Who do we expect will support the campaign? Leadership will ask every registered household— long-time members, new congregants and staff— to prayerfully consider a campaign commitment. We hope everyone benefiting from our church understands the importance of a successful campaign and accepts responsibility to do what they can to ensure it thrives. 

Why should I consider a debt reduction campaign commitment? It cannot be stressed enough that we are a faith community and as such it takes commitment from everyone to ensure it remains successful and vibrant. This means all of us working together for the good of the church. Responsibility does not rest solely with a handful of congregants. It is the duty of everyone who worships here, participates in our ministries and takes pleasure in being a part of our family, to do what they can so that we may continue to grow together. We are all accountable for the development of our church. 

When can I pledge to the campaign? Just prior to or following our Oct. 20 Kickoff Sunday celebration, each household will receive a campaign packet in the mail. It will include a case statement outlining the campaign goals and a letter from Pastor Bob, asking you to consider a pledge. 

A team of volunteers will follow up soon thereafter to receive decisions in a brief one-on-one meeting. Please note, it won’t be possible for our volunteer team to visit personally with every household, so some families will receive a pledge card and return envelope in their mailing. We hope to receive pledges equaling or exceeding our final campaign goals in December. 

How is my gift request determined? We consider one’s prior financial support, the amount given in the first campaign and figures shared in the planning study. Please understand the request is not an expectation, but an invitation to consider a stretch, sacrificial donation to help Presbyterian Church of the Master reach its campaign goal. 

Could I pledge now, but delay the start of my first payment? Certainly! If that works best for your budget, it is just fine to delay the start of your payment a few months. However, your commitment now will help us plan for the future. 

How can I help at this time? Pray. Please include the campaign and our volunteers in your prayers as we work toward our goal. You could also volunteer for the effort. We welcome your support. Many hands make light work! We have many opportunities available. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jim Worden, our campaign manager from the Steier Group at


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