Your Support Is Making A Difference In The World

The following was received in an email addressed for our congregation:

“Thank you, Presbyterian Church of the Master,

Your congregation’s gift to the Presbyterian Giving Catalog helps expand Presbyterian Mission’s witness to God’s gracious and abundant work in the world. Your generous support feeds the hungry, comforts the brokenhearted, and shares God’s love with young and old around the world.

As a special thank you, we want to share our appreciation for your community. This web page brings a message of thanks to your congregation for its generous support and provides connections, including our new video, to show how gifts made through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog are making a big impact.

We hope you will use the share feature (click the photo link below), allowing your members and friends to see the impact Presbyterian Church of the Master is making in the world through your gifts.

Through your gifts, support, and prayer, you join us in serving the world in Christ’s name, and we thank you for all of that.

Thankful for our mission together,
Bryce Wiebe
Director, Presbyterian Giving Catalog”


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