Worship Through Labor Day
Starting July 26, we are amending our Sunday worship plans; this is what we will do at least through Labor Day.
We will continue to offer in-person worship in the Courtyard at 9:30 am. A printed bulletin will be available, as well as screen assistance via a monitor. The service will continue to be limited in scope, as it has been.
The service will be repeated by the leaders only at 10:30 in the Sanctuary for a live webcast. The webcast will begin at 10:30, not 9:30, and will continue to be available for viewing later.
A major reason for this change is the wear and tear on our new cameras by moving them in and out every week. They will be permanently mounted in the Sanctuary for purposes of webcasting in the future. We will also, very soon, be playing the webcast feed on the monitor in the Commons, which will be used for overflow seating.
For the sake of funerals and weddings, and possibly worship on the Lord’s Day, we are limiting the Sanctuary to 70 people (100 if there is no congregational singing) with the possibility of an additional 50 in the Commons. Note that we can webcast funerals and weddings, just as we did Bette Corry’s funeral. Also be aware that we are requiring masks to be worn for any event involving more than six people or lasting longer than 30 minutes.
Your leaders will keep an eye on the situation for the next several weeks and will reassess our strategy before Labor Day.