New Church Software Offers Exciting Features
With the start of the new year, PCM is implementing an exciting new initiative that we believe will help you build closer connections with the congregation, plus enhance church-wide communication.
PCM is updating the church’s current membership software system which has been used for more than twelve years. We are migrating to a system called OneChurch. Like our old software, it is used to keep all our member data and records including pledges and giving. However, OneChurch offers some exciting new features and benefits for both the church administration and individual members. Let us highlight some of the benefits to members.
• Individuals/families can access and edit their own online profiles so that they can ensure the church has the most up-to-date personal information (i.e. address, email, phone, etc.)
• Related to online profiles, OneChurch allows for an online membership directory.
• Individuals can access their pledge/giving information. You will be able to see the commitments you made, plus your giving progress throughout the year.
• OneChurch offers a giving option that will allow you to donate to the church using a credit/debit card or through a direct bank withdrawal (ACH). If you use this option, all of your giving will immediately be available in your online profile.
• OneChurch contains a church calendar so you will be able to see everything scheduled at the church.
• Volunteer opportunities can be posted on OneChurch which also allows online sign-up. As an example, if Communion Servers are needed for a certain date, you would be able to volunteer.
• OneChurch offers a “groups” feature for communication among the members of a group. As an example, the Deacons could have a group for all its members. They would be able to share information amongst themselves and keep their own calendar.
• If you have a smartphone (Android or iPhone), there is a mobile app available (Playstore or Apple App Store) that lets you access OneChurch using your mobile device.
We do want to mention that all this information is highly secured, and you have complete privacy control regarding your personal information on the online directory. Of course, no financial information is ever shared.
Finally, all the basic member data has been loaded into the new system and the church office is already in the process of implementing. We invite you to begin accessing your profile by visiting the following link: Click on the “register” button. If the email address you enter matches the address set-up with your profile, you will be prompted to create a password and will then be able to begin using the system. If you are unable to access your profile, contact Becky Widhalm, PCM Office Administrator.
Please let us know if you have any questions.