Text Message Opt-In

With the coming of winter, PCM will begin using text messages as an additional communication tool for important church-wide messages. As an example, messages about cancellations or closures due to weather conditions. The ability for mass text message distribution is one of the great features of our One Church membership software.
Since Federal law stipulates that an individual is required to opt-in to receive this type of communication, PCM cannot automatically add church members to a text distribution list without their permission. As a result, if you would like to begin receiving messages from PCM, you need to opt-in using one of the two following methods.
  1. Access your profile in One Church and select “text opt-in” when you edit your mobile phone contact information.
  2. Use the form below and confirm your intent. We will take care of the rest.
Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have questions. Thanks!