Stewardship Pledge Demo Page
Friends in Christ,
During September and October we will be asking for your continued financial support for 2022. We are still dealing with this pandemic, which has now lasted longer than a year and a half. Some things in our lives have changed and others have stayed the same. Changes have been social distancing, wearing masks, fist bumps, illness and sometimes death. However, we are still stewards before God, serving as best we can our church and community.
The Technology Committee considerably upgraded their video equipment to broadcast our worship service every week. So, whether we are together in the sanctuary or watching from home live or later in the week, you won’t miss a single episode.We continue to serve through our Mission Committee with school supplies and other needs to Edison Elementary School, clothes and other goods to Siena Francis House and dinners to Rainbow House.
The Red Cross Blood Drives hosted by PCM serve our community in a way that money can’t buy.
We have been able to serve God with your monetary gifts and time, and we thank you for your support. Whether you tithe or just give what you can, every penny is appreciated. This gift is to support the general operating fund of the church (i.e., staff salaries, building costs [utilities, maintenance, etc.], and mission activities). This is separate from the capital campaign that took place in 2019.
To complete your pledge for 2022, you can do any one of the following:
- Submit your pledge electronically by using the form below.
- Complete the pledge form that was mailed to you and return it to PCM via: 1) mail to PCM, 2)
email to PCM Office Administrator, or 3) drop-off at PCM office,
“Fear the Lord your God, live in a way that pleases him, love him and serve him with all your heart and
soul.” Deuteronomy 10:12
Sincerely in Christ,
Your Stewardship and Finance Committee: Mark Frans – chairperson, Eric Bremers, Kevin Breyfogle,
John Burg, Barb Dasenbrock, Bill Joe, Rev. Bob Keefer, Guy Shelton, Sue Skeans, and Ashley Stevens