2024 Stewardship Giving Drive

Friends in Christ,

In late August, Gary preached a sermon “Our Heart’s Desire” about the Tenth Commandment (our desire to have what our neighbors have). In that sermon he used the term “affluenza” to describe what we believers suffer from when we value “things” over the love of and service to God. He mentioned seeing “the lilies of the field,” stunning lilies, I’m sure…without actually seeing and feeling the presence of God in that space. We all have “stuff” we need, we want, we desire, but where is the presence of God in all that “stuff”?

Asking for your intentions to support PCM in the next calendar year, 2024, is never easy. But if /when you feel the presence of God in our sanctuary (sunlight through the stained glass window, kids playing in the Prayground, a touching choir anthem, hearing instrumental music that takes one’s breath away, seeing a member in a nearby chair dealing with serious health conditions, Mike O. scurrying from candlelighter, to usher, to collect prayer requests, Susie H. holding up a perfect red, ripe tomato from the pulpit), please know that the presence of God is, most assuredly, there in that moment.

Recommit yourself to supporting the people, the programs, and the very “life” of PCM in 2024. Large, medium, small commitment – do what you are able. Returning a pledge card means we know you’re with us, no matter the amount, in order that PCM and its staff and members can continue to exemplify the true presence of God in all our lives and in the community beyond.

Below you will find a electronic pledge form for your convenience which you can use to make your 2024 commitment to PCM.

Sincerely in Christ,
Jean Koerten

Stewardship and Finance committee: Guy Shelton – Chair, Mark Frans, John Burg, Sue Skeans,
Bill Joe, Jean Koerten, Eric Bremers, Ashley Stevens