Our Worship Experience
One of the core tenants of the Christian faith is its community of followers coming together on a regular basis to worship God. This holds true for Presbyterian Church of the Master (PCM).
Our weekly Worship services bind us together as a congregation. They prepare us with the Word of God to face the many challenges in our daily lives and become faithful Disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Worship services at PCM, in its shape and content, is ultimately determined locally by our pastor(s) and the Session (our member-elected governing board). However, we do typically follow the suggested service outline of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This includes prayer, music, Bible reading and a sermon based upon Scripture, prayers of intercession, personal response/offering, and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Our regular Worship services are Sunday mornings. We also have special services at other times throughout the year in recognition of religious days of significance such as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
We strongly believe all are called equally to Worship in the house of our Lord. Therefore, all are welcome to our services…young and old, all races, genders, sexual orientation, political views and financial means.
Facilitating Your Needs |
Nursery care for young children |
Handicap Parking |
Single level, ADA compliant facility |
Signing for the hearing impaired |
Hearing Aid Loop & Additional Hearing Devices to loan |
Video Displays in Sanctuary |
Moreover, we believe our staff and lay Worship volunteers do a great job of developing services that will hold your interest while providing a meaningful, thoughtful and inspirational experience.
We are also fortunate to have a number of Presbyterian Pastors, either retired or not currently serving in a church, attend PCM on a regular basis. They periodically assist with leadership of our services and thereby enhance and add to the diversity of our Worship experience.
Please allow us to share greater details about our Worship services.
Prayer is at the heart of every worship service. It is a gift from God, who desires dialogue and relationship with us. It is a posture of faith and a way of living in the world. Prayer is also one of the primary ways in which we participate in worship.
There are many kinds of prayer—adoration, thanksgiving, confession, supplication, intercession, dedication. There are many ways to pray — listening and waiting for God, remembering God’s gracious acts, crying out to God for help, or offering oneself to God. Prayer may be spoken, silent, sung, or enacted in physical ways. Our services offer the opportunity to share your joys and concerns with the entire congregation so that we all may offer our prayers for you.
Music & Other Artistic Expression
The singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs is a vital and ancient form of prayer. Singing engages the whole person, and helps to unite the body of Christ in common worship. While the congregation itself is the church’s primary choir, we have several rehearsed groups that help lead the Worship service through musical interpretation of the Word.
These rehearsed groups are available to all who feel called to make music and participate in services. Opportunities to join our music program include our Adult Chancel Choir, Bell Choir (handbells), Master Brass Ensemble, Youth Choir(s) and individual vocal or instrumental performances.
We also have a puppet ministry that participates on an occasional basis in Worship services. The ACE Puppet group also performs at community events and audiences outside of the church.

Interpretation of the Word
Where the Word is read and proclaimed, Jesus Christ the living Word is present by the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, reading, hearing, preaching, and affirming the Word are central to our worship and essential to the services for the Lord’s Day.
Our Pastoral staff is responsible for the selection of Scriptures to be read and are drawn from both Old and New Testaments. Over time, they should reflect the broad content and full message of Bible. Framed around the selected scripture, the sermon or “message” is developed and delivered typically by our Pastor(s).
Sermons proclaim the good news of the risen Lord and provide the congregation with a thoughtful message from which we are challenged to interpret individually and reflect upon for incorporation into our daily lives.